Research Areas: Organizational Leadership, Human Resource Development
I talk about Resilience, Reinvention,
Leading Change,
Thriving in Uncertainty
"Spectators get inspired.. Jumpers get blessed"
- Dr Karen Hardy
Excerpt from Dr. Hardy's book "Destiny, Dreams and Decisions: Empowering Women for Success"
Request Dr. Hardy's One Sheet
Dr. Hardy attending the Regional Emmy Awards. The documentary she produced won 4 Emmy Awards!
Dr. Hardy as the Keynote Speaker delivering a FLIP THIS RISK®️ TALK at a conference & book signing
Taking the stage in Denver!
Dr. Hardy organized and engaged in a roundtable discussion on the risk of PTSD for Veterans held at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington DC
Dr. Hardy can tailor a FLIP THIS RISK®️TALKS specific to your audience for greater engagement and inspiration.
Dr. Hardy Delivering a Branded Talk on
EMBRACING CHAOS Held at Harvard University
Dr. Hardy Red Carpet Interview in L.A. Receiving The Quilly Award
"I believe in Creating Films that raise awareness; Books that Inspire, and Branded Talks that offer New Perspectives"
Co-Producer, Emmy Award Winning Documentary
A New Leash on Life: The K9s for Warriors Story
In the 4-time Emmy Award Winning Documentary, "A New Leash on Life: The K9s for Warriors Story," A mother saves her son from personal harm when he returns home from the military. Little did she know that starting an organization that matches Veterans with K9s would save the life of her son as well as many other veterans to come from the risks of PTSD.
Co-Authored Bestselling Book with Jack Canfield (co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul)
On the Red Carpet in Los Angeles Promoting "Mastering the Art of Success" Book
Jack and I bring together entrepreneurs from around the world to share their wisdom about mastering the art of success.
Speaker at Harvard University
"Embrace Chaos" Branded Talk
Learn to Embrace Chaos -- as that is the time when others abandon their occupied spaces..." --Dr. Karen Hardy
Guest Lecturer/Speaker at Washington D.C. Think Tank - The Brookings Institution
Topic: Governance and Leadership
Keynote Speaker at the Pizza Hut headquarters in Texas.
Topic: Being a Resilient Leader
Dr. Hardy at the Pizza Hut headquarters in Texas with NFL Hall of Famer Drew Pearson, former Wide Receiver for the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys
Being a Resilient Leader
Dr. Hardy moderating a panel on the risks of PTSD for Veterans held at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington, DC
Topic: PTSD and Veterans
Dr. Hardy raises money for PTSD and Veterans awareness with a donation from the CEO of the American Society of Military Controllers
PTSD and Veterans
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© 2021 Karen Hardy